Open a Barion Wallet
Send money
Receive money
Pay with Barion
Raise the limits of your personal account
Bank transfer, withdrawal
Close your Barion Wallet
Other questions related to Barion wallet
Barion shops – special systems on Hungary
Parking (only available in Hungary!)
Barion sent me an email that somebody sent me money. What does this mean and what should I do?
Anyone with a Barion Wallet can send money to existing email addresses, even if these don't have an associated Barion Wallet. In such cases, the recipient won't be able to access the money until they register a Barion Wallet. The recipient gets a Barion registration link, which stays active for seven days.
If you already have a Barion Wallet, but with a different email address, get in touch as soon as you receive the email with the registration link.