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Other questions related to Barion wallet
Why is it obligatory to insert the Basic Version of Barion Pixel into the merchants’ websites?
In order to identify the risk of abuse of the operation of Barion as payment service provider and customer moneys we operate a risk management and fraud prevention monitoring system. We try to reduce financial losses arising from bank card abuse and other risks and to identify fraudsters. In other words, we protect everyone’s money: the money of your buyers placed on their bank card, your money as well as our own money. As part of this fraud prevention system we perform risk analysis and assessment based on data collected by Barion Pixel.
Barion Pixel records clicking activities of users and thus enables distinction between regular users and suspected fraud cases, therefore, Barion Pixel is part of the fraud prevention solution of Barion. During the risk analysis we use a complex scoring system (for example if the payer uses a browser on which he or she has successfully purchased, then it is a risk decreasing factor concerning the payment transaction).
From 14 September 2019, the so-called ‘strong customer authentication’ introduced by PSD2 is necessary for payment transactions. This method itself obliges customers to perform further tasks, such as typing in the code received in SMS. This will probably slow down and decrease the rate of successful purchases, payment transactions. However, if a payment service provider operates an effective fraud prevention system which ensures low fraud rate, it is possible to exempt the customer from further tasks of strong customer authentication, provided that other requirements are met. Barion ensures low fraud rate with introduction and use of Barion Pixel among others. That means that the use of Barion Pixel may contribute to the promotion of fast payment transaction which do not present any burden on customers in addition to general fraud prevention aspects, therefore, it is the vital interest of all merchants.
In accordance with effective regulations fraud prevention may be carried out without the customer’s consent based on legitimate interest. In this case the system uses and retains data only for compliance with the above conditions (fraud prevention) and for a limited period. For detailed information please click here>>>.
Therefore, in order to promote fraud prevention, all Barion Merchants shall be obliged to place the Basic Version of Barion Pixel (description >>>) on their website.